Demo Day 2023
All Photos by Nick Waggoner

Demo Day 2023

Venture Pitches
The six ventures graduating at Demo Day each shared a 5-minute pitch. With $5,000 on the line stakes were high.

Interactive Displays
Each Venture setup a display to showcase their offering. Guests were encouraged to learn about their products first hand.

Incredible Food & Community
The Colorado Springs community helped celebrate this exciting milestone. Thanks to UCCS Catering there were plenty of tasty treats.

Third Successful
May 25th, 2023 marked the graduation of the 3rd successful Scale to $1M Boot-Up Camp cohort. This Demo Day was an important moment not just for the ventures, but for the Venture Attractor team.
“Demo Day would not have been possible without the support of an incredible group of mentors and partners.” – Luke Doster, Program Director

Beeable Coaching Wins $5,000!
Britiany Troup from Beeable Coaching was selected by the judges to receive the $5,000 prize for “Best Pitch”.
Goat Patch
Brewing Co.

Goat Patch Brewing Co. is a local Colorado Springs veteran-owned brewery located at 2727 North Cascade Avenue #123, 80907. Goat Patch loves getting involved in community-oriented programs and has been a supporter of EPIIC since 2022.